While in this fresco it may seem Christ ignores his mother, he actually purposely breaks her heart to allow her to participate in the divine drama of salvation.
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At TheCatholicTalks.com
- Art Speaks
- 9/28/2022
- 3117
Sometimes Iconography reveals how people think of things. This icon by Georgios Kortezas presents unusual imagery connected with the three named archangels. This article explains the meaning behind them.
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- 6/24/2022
- 3392
During the Feast of Tabernacles, Christ said he is the Light of the World. A little knowledge of that feast helps in giving context to what he said. In this article, we will explore what it means, and how it will help in our serenity.
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- 8/6/2021
- 5440
Two things in the Transfiguration help us know who Christ is: his dazzling white clothes, and Mark's use of the word "fuller". They open new layers of meaning to help us understand Christ a little more.
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- 3/20/2021
- 4104
The "me" culture can influence us to covet the first place in everything, but in the spiritual life with Christ, we must come second.
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- 1/27/2021
- 4983
Archbishop Fulton Sheen provides insights on how we can participate during mass, and not be just mere spectators.
Read More- Art Speaks
- 10/20/2020
- 5190
The swoon of Mary was once seen as a weakness, but the concept of co-redemptrix interprets it a refreshing way, and how beautiful it is.
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- 9/8/2020
- 5171
Mary's Nativity is no ordinary birthday; her birth is the hinge the brings the Old Testament and New Testament together.
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- 8/10/2020
- 6461
Did you know there are two major floods in Scriptures, one is the popular one with Noah, and the lesser-known one at the End of Time?
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- 6/20/2020
- 6341
How is the Immaculate Heart of Mary connected to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? It is more beautiful thank you can ever imagine.
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- 5/29/2020
- 6682
How is the birth of Adam connected to Pentecost? It has to do with God breathing life into the Church.
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- 5/24/2020
- 5506
The Ascension is not as if Jesus became a rocket ship that lifted off and headed to the stars. It isnt a departure, but a glorification.
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- 4/18/2020
- 5043
Explore the symbolism Raphael uses in the recommissioning of Peter.
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- 3/19/2020
- 5533
Seeing the pandemic through the lens of Faith
Read More- Art Speaks
- 12/9/2019
- 7336
Painting of the Immaculate Conception follow a certain pattern. In this ArtSpeaks, we will unpack the different symbolism to fully understand what each means and gain a better understanding of Mary.
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- 9/27/2019
- 9736
San Lorenzo Ruiz is the first Filipino saint who died as a martyr during the Japanese persecution of Christians.
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- 9/6/2019
- 17500
What does this painting of Adam and Eve tell us about our role in creation? This ArtSpeaks explores the meaning behind Johan Wenzel Peter's painting of creation.
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- 8/25/2019
- 5570
What can Paolo Veronese's painting on St. Helena teach us about prayer? This ArtSpeaks explores prayer as a gift, covenant, and communion.
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- 7/22/2019
- 10644
There is an overwhelming number of art, including this one by Raphael, depicting the serpent in Eden as a woman to tell the story of a love triangle. This ArtSpeaks explains why.
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- 7/2/2019
- 5976
Pulpits have taken different shapes across the centuries. This one in Austria takes the form of Peter's boat in the Gospel of Luke for a very interesting reason.
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